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Creative Direction
You need a vision, a concept, and a plan to market or develop a product. You've already got a staff with varied talents, but lack direction. This service is available to help you formulate your creative plan to meet all the necessary objectives. This includes supervision of all aspects of the character and quality of the visual work needed. General art direction and coordination of specific tasks may be all that's needed if you've already developed a concept.

Graphic Design
Using design and production elements such as color, typography, illustration, photography, animation, and printing or programming techniques, we can organize a visual concept which conveys a desired impact and message. Whether it's a corporate identity campaign, a complete set of B2B printed collateral, or a series of 3D renderings of a line of products, we can help you with evaluating and developing effective communication concepts. By exercising aesthetic judgement and principles, along with project management skills, we will help enhance and strengthen your image, service, or product.

Web Development
Whether you need a simple 3 frame animated banner advertisement, a complex Flash® presentation, or a multi-faceted, high-end corporate website, we have the resources to develop a successful online presence. From site architecture development and content structure, smart and elegant user interface design solutions, to comprehensive programming techniques encompassing the latest technologies - DHTML/HTML/JSP/JavaScript/CGI, and compression technologies for creating “light” web pages for optimal download speed. We will provide you with an organized - unintimidating Internet design experience.
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